Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dear Cousin...

Dear Mordecai,

In response to your most recent inquiries, I felt obliged to explain in greater depth exactly what it is I'm studying, and, perhaps more importantly, what I'm going to do with it after graduation.

Public relations in its simplest terms is communication; whether it be between two people, the media, a product, or George Bush himself. Public relations is the vehicle by which messages and ideas are carried to and from various parties.

Public relations is diverse. To this fact I owe my current situation. Last year when the time had come to elect a degree to pursue, I was torn in several different directions, each offering a valid list of pros and cons. But in time I came to two irrefutable and concrete conclusions that helped point me in this direction. First, I like working and communicating with people. And secondly, I'm pretty damn good at it. As you well know, dear Mordecai, I've spend the majority of my life in positions of leadership, whether it be in school, church or the community. And in those positions I've gained an immense amount of experience in doing what I just explained: communicating - the foundation of public relations.

Public Relations professionals have a myriad of opportunities to be communicators, and while some may become political spokesmen or directors of a product development team, all will do it through writing in one form or another. Commonly, PR professionals will be asked to write press releases, product summaries, marketing strategies and political speeches. Behind every campaign and behind every advertisement, there's a PR professional putting his skills to work. Think about that next time you here the president deliver the famed State of the Union address, or the next time you watch a Budweiser commercial.

Well, Mordecai, I hope this has been helpful to you. If it hasn't, I'd say that it's a good thing I'm still an undergrad.


1 comment:

Jessica Collett said...

Very professional and VERY well written. I love the subtle humor and direct response. Good Job!