Tuesday, March 4, 2008

2310 - Media Pitch


Dear Mr. Hunsaker,

I'm writing to you to make you aware of the Cache Valley Area Investors Association, a new and upcoming non-profit organization based in Logan to help educate the average joe in all things financial. From taxes to property investment, from bankruptcy to setting up a trust fund, the CVAIA's main purpose is to provide its members with the basics of financial investments and crisis control.

The group was founded by Preston Parker of Logan. Parker felt inspired to start the group after reading such financial books as "The Millionaire Next Door," and "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." Although Parker lacks a former education in finance, business or accounting, he's learned the ropes of investment through taking risks and learning from his experiences and mistakes.

The club meets every other Thursday in the conference room of the Cache Chamber of Commerce in downtown Logan. For more interested they can call Preston directly at 435.555.8830, or email him at prestonknows@cvaia.com.

Jackson Olsen