Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2310 - Press Release #3

For Immediate Release
The Cache Valley Area Investors Association
Logan, Utah

A new financial organization has been established in Cache Valley; not a bank or investment firm, but a grassroots club designed to make financial education affordable and easy to understand.

The Organization, the Cache Valley Area Investment Association, was founded by Preston Parker of Logan in the August of 2007, and meets every other Thursday evening at the Cache Chamber of Commerce to discuss financial matters such as debt, investments, and real estate.

"We graduate from high school knowing what amoebas are, but we still can't balance a checkbook or make an smart investment," Parker said. "People need to know when a good financial opportunity comes along."

Financial problems can be a thing of the past, Parker said, because CVAIA provides solutions for the future. The topics discussed in their regular meetings vary, and are molded to the needs and concerns of the members of the club.

There are currently 40 members in the Cache Valley area. Members not only enjoy free membership and advising, but they network with other financial enthusiasts who, Parker said, may end up being a business parter one day.

Although Parker doesn't have a formal education in finances, economics or accounting, he "took risks and seized opportunities" that have provided him with knowledge and experience that have led him to several successful business ventures. Parker also acknowledged the role of popular financial books that inspired him to form the CVAIA, including "The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas J. Stanley and "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki.

"Wealth is living on a passive income rather than an earned income," Parker said. "When you can do that, you free yourself to make your passions your career."

Media Contact:

Preston Parker
Cache Valley Area Investors Association
four three five - seven five seven - four five six zero


Jessica Collett said...

One suggestion, you may want to say the day of week and location the classes take place so it can promote people to go.
Very well written!
Good job!

Katie Jo said...

Great writing! Your press release sounds good and flows really well. One suggestion is to put all of Preston's contact information at the top of your release after the date before the headline...?
Great Work!

Anonymous said...

Jackson, I liked the block of info at the bottom of your press release. I really don't have any comments that could help you with the final...looks good.

Joe said...

Your story was written very well
I belive your location should go at the top of before your actual release